Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Questions and Answers: One Year Anniversary!

Dear all, 

thank you for everything! to answer your questions

1. did i go to the mission home?

yes, and it was awesome! that was my first and last time there probably until I go home. I do miss the temple a lot, we were trying our best to be able to go but the ap's said "NO, get in your car and go back to Botswana!" (don't worry everyone, I am not bitter). The mission home is a huge home that looks like our house but it has a lot more books and it is all brown, even the piano. otherwise it was so cool to hang out with President and Sister Omer for the evening, we went to dinner, they gave us the tour of the home and everything. 

2. How did I travel?

by car

3. how long did it take?

about 4 1/2 hours

4. where is my new companion from?

ZIMBABWE!!!! her name is Sister Mudzimba. so that means i am continuing with a no american companion spree! (nothing against americans, but i just love africa way too much!) so i have had companions from

new zealand
namibia (companion for three days)
now zimbabwe

woohoo to foreign companions!

5. what am i trying to accomplish as a missionary?

I want to be an excellent misisonary (i know it is vague but there are so many things that go along with that, great faith in God, christlike attributes, most importantly lost in the work of the ministry)
when this is finished i want to look back and feel like i have finished what i was called to do.
i want to use time effectively (it is sort of a struggle for me sometimes, any suggestions?)
i also want to be a father led converted missionary. 
i hope to baptise the pope (ha ha, that will be hard because he isn't even in this mission. but if he ever stops by botswana, he better watch out!)

6. how is the member work coming?

great, we are completing two part member families in december! :)

7. have i read the book of mormon again since i have been out?

yes, i am half way through it again! i am also through luke in the new testament. i started on page one of the book of mormon at the mtc, now i am half way through it again. I am expecting to finish once more before i get home. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON WAY TOO MUCH!

8. what is the new misison presidents name?

President Omer from ogden utah!

9. How is the food?

great, but very different from home, if you come this side to pick me up, i will show you how the food is. i haven't eaten anything too weird but sour milk and pap (pap is like mashed potatoes made from maize meal)

10. how many hours do we work a day?

as many as we can. from 11.30 to lunch at 1, then from 2 to 9. 

11. do we have any good investigators these days?

interesting ones, our golden ones just got baptised last sunday, so now we are once again in the works. our good ones are dying of heart conditions in joburg right now.

12. do we get to trade off with other missionaries?

yes, we go on exchanges two times a transfer.

13. do we tract?

yebo! lots and lots

14. how many lessons do we teach per week? 

it depends on the week but we have an average of 5 a day. so ya.

that is all, my time is up,
love you
sister blum

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