Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 22, 2011

to answer some questions:

how am i holding up so far from home?
i don't even feel like i am that far away. it is just as far away as any other place in the world because i still don't get to see all of you all the time. and the best part is i get to email you, once a week, but hey, it is better than snail mail eh?

am i getting enough rest and relaxation?
... not really sure what rest and relaxation means anymore... i guess i can say, i am getting enough that i am not dead yet.

am i eating enough?
too much! the food is good, and the members decided  that they need to feed us more often, so now we are very well fed.

am i able to exercise?
every day (except sunday)

am i keeping warm?
botswana is funny, it seems that all of a sudden summer has come. winter is now over and it feels like overnight it changed to really hot.

my over-all well being?

any new investigators or baptisms to speak of?
YEBO! (tswana for "yes") the best part of missionary work here is that the field is white and when you thrust in your sickle, you reap so many rewards. those rewards are convert baptisms. botswana is doing so well by way of baptisms. in fact, my companion and i are happy to announce that within the last transfer and a half we have had three people baptised and confirmed, and are expecting two more next week. Heavenly father has been greatly blessing us, september is looking very promising for our area. it promises to be the best month of our entire missions. people just randomly find the church every sunday, then they love it, and then they just cling to it.

currently we are teaching two people who found the church on their own. They said they were just walking in the morning and they ran into some members who were walking to church and they asked if they could come.

they were saying it was because the members looked different so they came. pretty cool i guess. the best part is, they have accepted baptismal dates and are pretty
much keeping every commitment we leave them. Nigh unto golden i think. Keep praying for miracles for us. things are really going great.

mom, my companion and i just finished up the last of the coconut for macaroons, we are so thankful for the package you sent. we are still enjoying them and the macaroons are now her favorite cookie. also thank you
for the package, i am not sure if we need anything but we will let you know as time goes.

sister blum

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